What are we doing now...

What are we doing now...

WDC in partnership with several human service organizations are currently focused on the Third Avenue Project (TAP). 

TAP is a multi-disciplinary, multi-partner collaboration intended to significantly improve the public safety and order issues on Third Avenue and other areas. Purpose Dignity Action (PDA) provides project management for this collaboration, which includes the following partners: Us, We Deliver Care (WDC); HOPE Team; Health One; DESC Behavioral Health Response Team (BHRT) & Mobile Crisis Team (MCT); REACH outreach; LEAD screening & outreach coordinators and case managers; CoLEAD, King County Regional Homelessness Authority; and Downtown Seattle Association Metropolitan Improvement District (MID).

This is a very exciting project we and have been having huge success and great impact.

We are also in partnership the PDA's CoLEAD program and provide CSA's (Community Safety Ambassadors) on there respective sites that house and serve over 200 participants.

It takes a village to create safe spaces and environments and we are committed to working with businesses and organizations in our city to do just that. 

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